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Rotork Electric Valve Actuator IQ35 IQ40

Rotork Valve Actuator

Rotork Valve Actuator Electric Valve Actuator IQ35 IQ40

Firstly, Complete integrated motor control.
Secondly, Simple non-intrusive, infra-red setup and adjustment.

Then provides intelligent communication options and a multilingual display. The IQ actuator range offers multi-turn (rotary) and quarter-turn isolating/regulating duty.

Torque range 14 to 3,000 Nm (10 to 2,200 lbf-ft) direct drive (multi-turn only). Higher torques when combined with IS or IB gearbox, up to 40,800 Nm (30,000 lbf-ft). Quarter-turn when combined with IW gearbox up to 250,000 Nm (185,000 lbf-ft).

  • Complete integrated motor control.
  • Simple non-intrusive, infra-red setup and adjustment.
  • Digital, analogue or bus system remote control and status reporting.
  • Comprehensive software tools for plant records and valve performance analysis.

Rotork Valve Actuator

Rotork Valve Actuator Electric Valve Actuator IQ35 IQ40

IQ Features

First, three phase, single phase and direct current power supply actuator
Second, as the built-in data recording mechanism of the standard function
Third, compatible With IrDATM standard. Make the local and remote analysis on the actuator through insight PC software.
Then, concise, easy to control, and indication functions
Multi-language text display screen displaying the state and setting
Moreover, simple torque and position control, 06enhancing the reliability

Besides, Rotork Controls is the home of the flagship IQ intelligent electric actuator range. And the IQ range features legendary innovations including Rotork’s unique double-sealed enclosure, ‘non-intrusive’ infra-red commissioning, data-logging and predictive maintenance capabilities. More recent innovations include the advanced display, and Bluetooth® communications interface and absolute encoder.

Therefore, the IQ functionality and reliability is available for valves of virtually every size and description, including multi-turn (rotary), quarter-turn, isolating and modulating, with watertight and hazardous area approvals to all internationally recognised standards.

Electric actuator ranges also include the AWT for simplified control duties, ROM, ROMpak and Q direct drive actuators for small quarter-turn valves and IEEE qualified NA actuators for the nuclear power industry.

Rotork actuators are compatible with a wide range of communication and process control systems. What’s more, Rotork’s own Pakscan system offers advanced actuator network control similar to network control from Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus, Modbus, DeviceNet and Hart.