Stabilization of crude oil
The stabilization of crude oil is the hermetictreatment of enclosing gathering crude oil in the oil fields with separationand recycling of such light hydrocarbon in crude oil as methane, ethane, dimethylmethane,butane and so on. Therefore, the volatilization of crude oil is decreasedrelatively, as well as reduction of loss due to the evaporation, and thus tomake it stable. The stabilization of crude oil is a permanent way to reduceevaporation loss.
The stabilization of crude oil has highereconomic benefit with recycling of a large amount of light hydrocarbon asindustrial chemicals; meanwhile, the crude oil can be transported safely withreduction of environmental pollution.
The methods for crude oil varies, and there aremainly four types adopted at home and abroad:
I. Stabilization method of passive pressurestabilization. After oil-gas separation and dewatering, the crude oil entersinto the crude oil stabilizer. The volatile light hydrocarbon is removed afterone flashing, and thus to make the crude oil stable. The stabilization methodof passive pressure stabilization is mainly used for crude oil with less lighthydrocarbon.
II. Heating and flashing stabilization method. Thisstabilization method is to heat the crude oil after oil-gas separation anddewatering, and then flashing separation is conducted under micro positivepressure to achieve stable flashing.
III. Fractionation stabilization method. Thecrude oil enters into the fractional column after oil-gas separation anddewatering. The light and heavy components are separated at differenttemperature, and through numerous gasification and condensation. This method tostabilize the quality of crude oil is better than others types. This stabilizationmethod is applicable to crude oil (it is better to use this method when degassingvolume is over 10m³)with large amount of light hydrocarbon.
IV. Stabilization method of stage separation. Thisstabilization method is applicable to oil fields developed under high pressurewith general adoption of 3-4 stages separation and 6-7 stages separation atmost. The more stages of separation, the higher the investment. The selectionof stabilization methods shall be in accordance with detailed conditions, andsometimes two methods will be combined for application.